2024년 7월 8일 월요일

modbus RTU / TCP-IP

 전주 modbus 개발     ittang@naver.com

modbus RTU

Id / function code / data / crc

modbus over TCP (KG30X)

Id / function code / data / crc

modbus TCP/IP

transaction id (2byte) / protocol id (0x00 고정) / langth (2byte) / slave id (1byte)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------MBAP Header

MBAP Header + function code (1byte) + nData (nByte)

2024년 6월 30일 일요일


 inkscape make file text >> PATH manu >> object to path

save file to svg

grblgru import svg

2D job make >> process

Depth increment   setting

sum of  increment  setting

save g-code  >> edit to spindle code insert   >> M3  S2000

grblgru >> file >> load  g-code >> start to endmill

2023년 4월 25일 화요일

PWM --> map()


void setVoltage0(float voltage) {
      //VpwmValue = voltage / Vslope; // 전압값을 PWM 듀티 사이클 값으로 환산
    int dutyCycle = map(voltage, 0, 330, 0, 255); // Map duty cycle to 0-255 range
    analogWrite(5, dutyCycle); // Output PWM signal using pin 5

전압값 116.9V log값 1.7752V    
116.9/1.7752 = 65.851
기울기값을 이용해 map()함수에서 값을 변환해도 가능.
전압값 x 기울기 = log값 형태의 전압값
116.9 x 65.851 = 1.7752V
map(1.7752, 0, 5, 0, 255)

void setVoltage0(float voltage) {
  unsigned int dutyCycle = map(voltage, 0, 335, 0, 65535); // Map duty cycle to 0-65535 range
  analogWrite(5, dutyCycle); // Output PWM signal using pin 5

  Serial.print("dutyCycle: ");
  Serial.println(dutyCycle); // Print duty cycle value  
  Serial.print("number0 ");

void setVoltage1(float voltage) {
  //int dutyCycle1 = map(voltage, 0, 615, 82, 255); // 83 // Map duty cycle to 0-255 range
  unsigned int dutyCycle1 = map(voltage, 0, 615, 20000, 65535); // 83 // Map duty cycle to 0-255 range
  analogWrite(6, dutyCycle1); // Output PWM signal using pin 5

  Serial.print("dutyCycle1 ");
void setVoltage2(float voltage) {
  //unsigned int dutyCycle2 = map(voltage, 0, 330, 0, 65535); // Map duty cycle to 0-65535 range
  unsigned int dutyCycle2 = map(voltage, 0, 30, 21242, 65535);
  analogWrite(7, dutyCycle2); // Output PWM signal using pin 7

  Serial.print("dutyCycle2: ");
  Serial.println(dutyCycle2); // Print duty cycle value

setup------------------------------ 타이머 16bit
  TCCR1A = _BV(COM1A1) | _BV(WGM11); // Fast PWM, non-inverting mode
  TCCR1B = _BV(WGM13) | _BV(WGM12) | _BV(CS10); // Fast PWM, prescaler 1
  ICR1 = 0xFFFF; // Set the top value for 16-bit PWM

  // Set timer3 for 16-bit fast PWM on PWM_PIN2
  TCCR3A = _BV(COM3A1) | _BV(WGM31); // Fast PWM, non-inverting mode
  TCCR3B = _BV(WGM33) | _BV(WGM32) | _BV(CS30); // Fast PWM, prescaler 1
  ICR3 = 0xFFFF; // Set the top value for 16-bit PWM

  // Set timer4 for 16-bit fast PWM on PWM_PIN3
  TCCR4A = _BV(COM4A1) | _BV(WGM41); // Fast PWM, non-inverting mode
  TCCR4B = _BV(WGM43) | _BV(WGM42) | _BV(CS40); // Fast PWM, prescaler 1
  ICR4 = 0xFFFF; // Set the top value for 16-bit PWM

2023년 4월 16일 일요일


 #!/usr/bin/env python


Modified by Jay Johnson 2015, J Tech Photonics, Inc., jtechphotonics.com

modified by Adam Polak 2014, polakiumengineering.org

based on Copyright (C) 2009 Nick Drobchenko, nick@cnc-club.ru

based on gcode.py (C) 2007 hugomatic...

based on addnodes.py (C) 2005,2007 Aaron Spike, aaron@ekips.org

based on dots.py (C) 2005 Aaron Spike, aaron@ekips.org

based on interp.py (C) 2005 Aaron Spike, aaron@ekips.org

based on bezmisc.py (C) 2005 Aaron Spike, aaron@ekips.org

based on cubicsuperpath.py (C) 2005 Aaron Spike, aaron@ekips.org

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or

(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software

Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


import inkex

import simpletransform

import os

import math

import bezmisc

import re

import sys

import time

import numpy

import gettext

_ = gettext.gettext

# Deprecation hack. Access the formatStyle differently for inkscape >= 1.0

target_version = 1.0

if target_version < 1.0:

    # simplestyle

    import simplestyle

    # etree

    etree = inkex.etree

    # cubicsuperpath

    import cubicsuperpath

    parsePath = cubicsuperpath.parsePath

    # Inkex.Boolean

    inkex.Boolean = bool


    # simplestyle

    # Class and method names follow the old Inkscape API for compatibility's sake.

    # When support is dropped for older versions this can be ganged to follow PEP 8.

    class simplestyle(object):  # noqa

        # I think anonymous declarations would have been cleaner. However, Python 2 doesn't like how I use them


        def formatStyle(a):  # noqa

            return str(inkex.Style(a))


        def parseStyle(s):  # noqa

            return dict(inkex.Style.parse_str(s))

    # etree

    from lxml import etree  # noqa

    # cubicsuperpath

    from inkex.paths import CubicSuperPath  # noqa

    parsePath = CubicSuperPath

# Check if inkex has error messages. (0.46 version does not have one) Could be removed later.

if "errormsg" not in dir(inkex):

    inkex.errormsg = lambda msg: sys.stderr.write((str(msg) + "\n").encode("UTF-8"))

def bezierslopeatt(xxx_todo_changeme, t):

    ((bx0, by0), (bx1, by1), (bx2, by2), (bx3, by3)) = xxx_todo_changeme

    ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, x0, y0 = bezmisc.bezierparameterize(((bx0, by0), (bx1, by1), (bx2, by2), (bx3, by3)))

    dx = 3 * ax * (t ** 2) + 2 * bx * t + cx

    dy = 3 * ay * (t ** 2) + 2 * by * t + cy

    if dx == dy == 0:

        dx = 6 * ax * t + 2 * bx

        dy = 6 * ay * t + 2 * by

        if dx == dy == 0:

            dx = 6 * ax

            dy = 6 * ay

            if dx == dy == 0:

                print_("Slope error x = %s*t^3+%s*t^2+%s*t+%s, y = %s*t^3+%s*t^2+%s*t+%s,  t = %s, dx==dy==0" % (

                    ax, bx, cx, dx, ay, by, cy, dy, t))

                print_(((bx0, by0), (bx1, by1), (bx2, by2), (bx3, by3)))

                dx, dy = 1, 1

    return dx, dy

bezmisc.bezierslopeatt = bezierslopeatt



#        Styles and additional parameters



math.pi2 = math.pi * 2

straight_tolerance = 0.0001

straight_distance_tolerance = 0.0001

engraving_tolerance = 0.0001

loft_lengths_tolerance = 0.0000001

options = {}

defaults = {

    'header': """



    'footer': """G1 X0 Y0



intersection_recursion_depth = 10

intersection_tolerance = 0.00001

styles = {

    "loft_style": {

        'main curve': simplestyle.formatStyle(

            {'stroke': '#88f', 'fill': 'none', 'stroke-width': '1', 'marker-end': 'url(#Arrow2Mend)'}),


    "biarc_style": {

        'biarc0': simplestyle.formatStyle(

            {'stroke': '#88f', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end": "url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width': '1'}),

        'biarc1': simplestyle.formatStyle(

            {'stroke': '#8f8', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end": "url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width': '1'}),

        'line': simplestyle.formatStyle(

            {'stroke': '#f88', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end": "url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width': '1'}),

        'area': simplestyle.formatStyle(

            {'stroke': '#777', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end": "url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width': '0.1'}),


    "biarc_style_dark": {

        'biarc0': simplestyle.formatStyle(

            {'stroke': '#33a', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end": "url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width': '1'}),

        'biarc1': simplestyle.formatStyle(

            {'stroke': '#3a3', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end": "url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width': '1'}),

        'line': simplestyle.formatStyle(

            {'stroke': '#a33', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end": "url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width': '1'}),

        'area': simplestyle.formatStyle(

            {'stroke': '#222', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end": "url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width': '0.3'}),


    "biarc_style_dark_area": {

        'biarc0': simplestyle.formatStyle(

            {'stroke': '#33a', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end": "url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width': '0.1'}),

        'biarc1': simplestyle.formatStyle(

            {'stroke': '#3a3', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end": "url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width': '0.1'}),

        'line': simplestyle.formatStyle(

            {'stroke': '#a33', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end": "url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width': '0.1'}),

        'area': simplestyle.formatStyle(

            {'stroke': '#222', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end": "url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width': '0.3'}),


    "biarc_style_i": {

        'biarc0': simplestyle.formatStyle(

            {'stroke': '#880', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end": "url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width': '1'}),

        'biarc1': simplestyle.formatStyle(

            {'stroke': '#808', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end": "url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width': '1'}),

        'line': simplestyle.formatStyle(

            {'stroke': '#088', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end": "url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width': '1'}),

        'area': simplestyle.formatStyle(

            {'stroke': '#999', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end": "url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width': '0.3'}),


    "biarc_style_dark_i": {

        'biarc0': simplestyle.formatStyle(

            {'stroke': '#dd5', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end": "url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width': '1'}),

        'biarc1': simplestyle.formatStyle(

            {'stroke': '#d5d', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end": "url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width': '1'}),

        'line': simplestyle.formatStyle(

            {'stroke': '#5dd', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end": "url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width': '1'}),

        'area': simplestyle.formatStyle(

            {'stroke': '#aaa', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end": "url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width': '0.3'}),


    "biarc_style_lathe_feed": {

        'biarc0': simplestyle.formatStyle(

            {'stroke': '#07f', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end": "url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width': '.4'}),

        'biarc1': simplestyle.formatStyle(

            {'stroke': '#0f7', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end": "url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width': '.4'}),

        'line': simplestyle.formatStyle(

            {'stroke': '#f44', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end": "url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width': '.4'}),

        'area': simplestyle.formatStyle(

            {'stroke': '#aaa', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end": "url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width': '0.3'}),


    "biarc_style_lathe_passing feed": {

        'biarc0': simplestyle.formatStyle(

            {'stroke': '#07f', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end": "url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width': '.4'}),

        'biarc1': simplestyle.formatStyle(

            {'stroke': '#0f7', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end": "url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width': '.4'}),

        'line': simplestyle.formatStyle(

            {'stroke': '#f44', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end": "url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width': '.4'}),

        'area': simplestyle.formatStyle(

            {'stroke': '#aaa', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end": "url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width': '0.3'}),


    "biarc_style_lathe_fine feed": {

        'biarc0': simplestyle.formatStyle(

            {'stroke': '#7f0', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end": "url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width': '.4'}),

        'biarc1': simplestyle.formatStyle(

            {'stroke': '#f70', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end": "url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width': '.4'}),

        'line': simplestyle.formatStyle(

            {'stroke': '#744', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end": "url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width': '.4'}),

        'area': simplestyle.formatStyle(

            {'stroke': '#aaa', 'fill': 'none', "marker-end": "url(#DrawCurveMarker)", 'stroke-width': '0.3'}),


    "area artefact": simplestyle.formatStyle({'stroke': '#ff0000', 'fill': '#ffff00', 'stroke-width': '1'}),

    "area artefact arrow": simplestyle.formatStyle({'stroke': '#ff0000', 'fill': '#ffff00', 'stroke-width': '1'}),

    "dxf_points": simplestyle.formatStyle({"stroke": "#ff0000", "fill": "#ff0000"}),



#        Cubic Super Path additional functions


def csp_segment_to_bez(sp1, sp2):

    return sp1[1:] + sp2[:2]

def csp_split(sp1, sp2, t=.5):

    [x1, y1], [x2, y2], [x3, y3], [x4, y4] = sp1[1], sp1[2], sp2[0], sp2[1]

    x12 = x1 + (x2 - x1) * t

    y12 = y1 + (y2 - y1) * t

    x23 = x2 + (x3 - x2) * t

    y23 = y2 + (y3 - y2) * t

    x34 = x3 + (x4 - x3) * t

    y34 = y3 + (y4 - y3) * t

    x1223 = x12 + (x23 - x12) * t

    y1223 = y12 + (y23 - y12) * t

    x2334 = x23 + (x34 - x23) * t

    y2334 = y23 + (y34 - y23) * t

    x = x1223 + (x2334 - x1223) * t

    y = y1223 + (y2334 - y1223) * t

    return [sp1[0], sp1[1], [x12, y12]], [[x1223, y1223], [x, y], [x2334, y2334]], [[x34, y34], sp2[1], sp2[2]]

def csp_curvature_at_t(sp1, sp2, t, depth=3):

    ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, dx, dy = bezmisc.bezierparameterize(csp_segment_to_bez(sp1, sp2))

    # curvature = (x'y''-y'x'') / (x'^2+y'^2)^1.5

    f1x = 3 * ax * t ** 2 + 2 * bx * t + cx

    f1y = 3 * ay * t ** 2 + 2 * by * t + cy

    f2x = 6 * ax * t + 2 * bx

    f2y = 6 * ay * t + 2 * by

    d = (f1x ** 2 + f1y ** 2) ** 1.5

    if d != 0:

        return (f1x * f2y - f1y * f2x) / d


        t1 = f1x * f2y - f1y * f2x

        if t1 > 0: return 1e100

        if t1 < 0: return -1e100

        # Use the Lapitals rule to solve 0/0 problem for 2 times...

        t1 = 2 * (bx * ay - ax * by) * t + (ay * cx - ax * cy)

        if t1 > 0: return 1e100

        if t1 < 0: return -1e100

        t1 = bx * ay - ax * by

        if t1 > 0: return 1e100

        if t1 < 0: return -1e100

        if depth > 0:

            # little hack ;^) hope it wont influence anything...

            return csp_curvature_at_t(sp1, sp2, t * 1.004, depth - 1)

        return 1e100

def csp_at_t(sp1, sp2, t):

    ax, bx, cx, dx = sp1[1][0], sp1[2][0], sp2[0][0], sp2[1][0]

    ay, by, cy, dy = sp1[1][1], sp1[2][1], sp2[0][1], sp2[1][1]

    x1, y1 = ax + (bx - ax) * t, ay + (by - ay) * t

    x2, y2 = bx + (cx - bx) * t, by + (cy - by) * t

    x3, y3 = cx + (dx - cx) * t, cy + (dy - cy) * t

    x4, y4 = x1 + (x2 - x1) * t, y1 + (y2 - y1) * t

    x5, y5 = x2 + (x3 - x2) * t, y2 + (y3 - y2) * t

    x, y = x4 + (x5 - x4) * t, y4 + (y5 - y4) * t

    return [x, y]

def cspseglength(sp1, sp2, tolerance=0.001):

    bez = (sp1[1][:], sp1[2][:], sp2[0][:], sp2[1][:])

    return bezmisc.bezierlength(bez, tolerance)

#        Distance calculation from point to arc

def point_to_arc_distance(p, arc):

    P0, P2, c, a = arc

    dist = None

    p = P(p)

    r = (P0 - c).mag()

    if r > 0:

        i = c + (p - c).unit() * r

        alpha = ((i - c).angle() - (P0 - c).angle())

        if a * alpha < 0:

            if alpha > 0:

                alpha = alpha - math.pi2


                alpha = math.pi2 + alpha

        if between(alpha, 0, a) or min(abs(alpha), abs(alpha - a)) < straight_tolerance:

            return (p - i).mag(), (i.x, i.y)


            d1, d2 = (p - P0).mag(), (p - P2).mag()

            if d1 < d2:

                return (d1, (P0.x, P0.y))


                return (d2, (P2.x, P2.y))

def csp_to_arc_distance(sp1, sp2, arc1, arc2, tolerance=0.01):  # arc = [start,end,center,alpha]

    n, i = 10, 0

    d, d1, dl = (0, (0, 0)), (0, (0, 0)), 0

    while i < 1 or (abs(d1[0] - dl[0]) > tolerance and i < 4):

        i += 1

        dl = d1 * 1

        for j in range(n + 1):

            t = float(j) / n

            p = csp_at_t(sp1, sp2, t)

            d = min(point_to_arc_distance(p, arc1), point_to_arc_distance(p, arc2))

            # inkex.debug("---Debug---")

            # inkex.debug(str(d1) + str(d))

            # inkex.debug(str(tuple(d1)) + str(tuple(d)))

            d1 = max(tuple(d1), tuple(d))

        n = n * 2

    return d1[0]


#    Common functions


def atan2(*arg):

    if len(arg) == 1 and (type(arg[0]) == type([0., 0.]) or type(arg[0]) == type((0., 0.))):

        return (math.pi / 2 - math.atan2(arg[0][0], arg[0][1])) % math.pi2

    elif len(arg) == 2:

        return (math.pi / 2 - math.atan2(arg[0], arg[1])) % math.pi2


        raise ValueError("Bad argumets for atan! (%s)" % arg)

def between(c, x, y):

    return x - straight_tolerance <= c <= y + straight_tolerance or y - straight_tolerance <= c <= x + straight_tolerance

# Print arguments into specified log file

def print_(*arg):

    f = open(options.log_filename, "a")

    for s in arg:

        s = str(str(s).encode('unicode_escape')) + " "





#        Point (x,y) operations


class P:

    def __init__(self, x, y=None):

        if not y == None:

            self.x, self.y = float(x), float(y)


            self.x, self.y = float(x[0]), float(x[1])

    def __add__(self, other):

        return P(self.x + other.x, self.y + other.y)

    def __sub__(self, other):

        return P(self.x - other.x, self.y - other.y)

    def __neg__(self):

        return P(-self.x, -self.y)

    def __mul__(self, other):

        if isinstance(other, P):

            return self.x * other.x + self.y * other.y

        return P(self.x * other, self.y * other)

    __rmul__ = __mul__

    def __div__(self, other):

        return P(self.x / other, self.y / other)

    # Added to support python 3

    __floordiv__ = __div__

    __truediv__ = __div__

    def mag(self):

        return math.hypot(self.x, self.y)

    def unit(self):

        h = self.mag()

        if h:

            return self / h


            return P(0, 0)

    def angle(self):

        return math.atan2(self.y, self.x)

    def __repr__(self):

        return '%f,%f' % (self.x, self.y)

    def l2(self):

        return self.x * self.x + self.y * self.y



#        Biarc function


#        Calculates biarc approximation of cubic super path segment

#        splits segment if needed or approximates it with straight line



def biarc(sp1, sp2, z1, z2, depth=0):

    def biarc_split(sp1, sp2, z1, z2, depth):

        if depth < options.biarc_max_split_depth:

            sp1, sp2, sp3 = csp_split(sp1, sp2)

            l1, l2 = cspseglength(sp1, sp2), cspseglength(sp2, sp3)

            if l1 + l2 == 0:

                zm = z1


                zm = z1 + (z2 - z1) * l1 / (l1 + l2)

            return biarc(sp1, sp2, z1, zm, depth + 1) + biarc(sp2, sp3, zm, z2, depth + 1)


            return [[sp1[1], 'line', 0, 0, sp2[1], [z1, z2]]]

    P0, P4 = P(sp1[1]), P(sp2[1])

    TS, TE, v = (P(sp1[2]) - P0), -(P(sp2[0]) - P4), P0 - P4

    tsa, tea, va = TS.angle(), TE.angle(), v.angle()

    if TE.mag() < straight_distance_tolerance and TS.mag() < straight_distance_tolerance:

        # Both tangents are zerro - line straight

        return [[sp1[1], 'line', 0, 0, sp2[1], [z1, z2]]]

    if TE.mag() < straight_distance_tolerance:

        TE = -(TS + v).unit()

        r = TS.mag() / v.mag() * 2

    elif TS.mag() < straight_distance_tolerance:

        TS = -(TE + v).unit()

        r = 1 / (TE.mag() / v.mag() * 2)


        r = TS.mag() / TE.mag()

    TS, TE = TS.unit(), TE.unit()

    tang_are_parallel = (

            (tsa - tea) % math.pi < straight_tolerance or math.pi - (tsa - tea) % math.pi < straight_tolerance)

    if (tang_are_parallel and


                     v.mag() < straight_distance_tolerance or TE.mag() < straight_distance_tolerance or TS.mag() < straight_distance_tolerance) or

             1 - abs(TS * v / (TS.mag() * v.mag())) < straight_tolerance)):

        # Both tangents are parallel and start and end are the same - line straight

        # or one of tangents still smaller then tollerance

        # Both tangents and v are parallel - line straight

        return [[sp1[1], 'line', 0, 0, sp2[1], [z1, z2]]]

    c, b, a = v * v, 2 * v * (r * TS + TE), 2 * r * (TS * TE - 1)

    if v.mag() == 0:

        return biarc_split(sp1, sp2, z1, z2, depth)

    asmall, bsmall, csmall = abs(a) < 10 ** -10, abs(b) < 10 ** -10, abs(c) < 10 ** -10

    if asmall and b != 0:

        beta = -c / b

    elif csmall and a != 0:

        beta = -b / a

    elif not asmall:

        discr = b * b - 4 * a * c

        if discr < 0:    raise ValueError(a, b, c, discr)

        disq = discr ** .5

        beta1 = (-b - disq) / 2 / a

        beta2 = (-b + disq) / 2 / a

        if beta1 * beta2 > 0:    raise ValueError(a, b, c, disq, beta1, beta2)

        beta = max(beta1, beta2)

    elif asmall and bsmall:

        return biarc_split(sp1, sp2, z1, z2, depth)

    alpha = beta * r

    ab = alpha + beta

    P1 = P0 + alpha * TS

    P3 = P4 - beta * TE

    P2 = (beta / ab) * P1 + (alpha / ab) * P3

    def calculate_arc_params(P0, P1, P2):

        D = (P0 + P2) / 2

        if (D - P1).mag() == 0: return None, None

        R = D - ((D - P0).mag() ** 2 / (D - P1).mag()) * (P1 - D).unit()

        p0a, p1a, p2a = (P0 - R).angle() % (2 * math.pi), (P1 - R).angle() % (2 * math.pi), (P2 - R).angle() % (

                2 * math.pi)

        alpha = (p2a - p0a) % (2 * math.pi)

        if (p0a < p2a and (p1a < p0a or p2a < p1a)) or (p2a < p1a < p0a):

            alpha = -2 * math.pi + alpha

        if abs(R.x) > 1000000 or abs(R.y) > 1000000 or (R - P0).mag() < .1:

            return None, None


            return R, alpha

    R1, a1 = calculate_arc_params(P0, P1, P2)

    R2, a2 = calculate_arc_params(P2, P3, P4)

    if R1 == None or R2 == None or (R1 - P0).mag() < straight_tolerance or (

            R2 - P2).mag() < straight_tolerance: return [[sp1[1], 'line', 0, 0, sp2[1], [z1, z2]]]

    d = csp_to_arc_distance(sp1, sp2, [P0, P2, R1, a1], [P2, P4, R2, a2])

    if d > 1 and depth < options.biarc_max_split_depth:

        return biarc_split(sp1, sp2, z1, z2, depth)


        if R2.mag() * a2 == 0:

            zm = z2


            zm = z1 + (z2 - z1) * (abs(R1.mag() * a1)) / (abs(R2.mag() * a2) + abs(R1.mag() * a1))

        return [[sp1[1], 'arc', [R1.x, R1.y], a1, [P2.x, P2.y], [z1, zm]],

                [[P2.x, P2.y], 'arc', [R2.x, R2.y], a2, [P4.x, P4.y], [zm, z2]]]


#        Polygon class


class Polygon:

    def __init__(self, polygon=None):

        self.polygon = [] if polygon == None else polygon[:]

    def add(self, add):

        if type(add) == type([]):

            self.polygon += add[:]


            self.polygon += add.polygon[:]

class ArrangementGenetic:

    # gene = [fittness, order, rotation, xposition]

    # spieces = [gene]*shapes count

    # population = [spieces]

    def __init__(self, polygons, material_width):

        self.population = []

        self.genes_count = len(polygons)

        self.polygons = polygons

        self.width = material_width

        self.mutation_factor = 0.1

        self.order_mutate_factor = 1.

        self.move_mutate_factor = 1.



###        Gcodetools class



class LaserGcode(inkex.Effect):

    def export_gcode(self, gcode):

        gcode_pass = gcode

        for x in range(1, self.options.passes):

            gcode += "G91\nG1 Z-" + self.options.pass_depth + "\nG90\n" + gcode_pass

        f = open(self.options.directory + self.options.file, "w")


            self.options.laser_off_command + " S0" + "\n" + self.header +

            "G1 F" + self.options.travel_speed + "\n" + gcode + self.footer)


    def add_arguments_old(self):

        add_option = self.OptionParser.add_option

        for arg in self.arguments:

            # Stringify add_option arguments

            action = arg["action"] if "action" in arg else "store"

            arg_type = {str: "str", int: "int", bool: "inkbool"}[arg["type"]]

            default = arg["type"](arg["default"])

            add_option("", arg["name"], action=action, type=arg_type, dest=arg["dest"],

                       default=default, help=arg["help"])

    def add_arguments_new(self):

        add_argument = self.arg_parser.add_argument

        for arg in self.arguments:

            # Not using kwargs unpacking for clarity, flexibility and constancy with add_arguments_old

            action = arg["action"] if "action" in arg else "store"

            add_argument(arg["name"], action=action, type=arg["type"], dest=arg["dest"],

                         default=arg["default"], help=arg["help"])

    def __init__(self):


        # Define command line arguments, inkex will use these to interface with the GUI defined in laser.ini

        self.arguments = [

            {"name": "--directory", "type": str, "dest": "directory",

             "default": "", "help": "Output directory"},

            {"name": "--filename", "type": str, "dest": "file",

             "default": "output.gcode", "help": "File name"},

            {"name": "--add-numeric-suffix-to-filename", "type": inkex.Boolean,

             "dest": "add_numeric_suffix_to_filename", "default": False,

             "help": "Add numeric suffix to file name"},

            {"name": "--laser-command", "type": str, "dest": "laser_command",

             "default": "M03", "help": "Laser gcode command"},

            {"name": "--laser-off-command", "type": str, "dest": "laser_off_command",

             "default": "M05", "help": "Laser gcode end command"},

            {"name": "--laser-speed", "type": int, "dest": "laser_speed", "default": 750,

             "help": "Laser speed (mm/min},"},

            {"name": "--travel-speed", "type": str, "dest": "travel_speed",

             "default": "3000", "help": "Travel speed (mm/min},"},

            {"name": "--laser-power", "type": int, "dest": "laser_power", "default": 255,

             "help": "S# is 256 or 10000 for full power"},

            {"name": "--passes", "type": int, "dest": "passes", "default": 1,

             "help": "Quantity of passes"},

            {"name": "--pass-depth", "type": str, "dest": "pass_depth", "default": 1,

             "help": "Depth of laser cut"},

            {"name": "--power-delay", "type": str, "dest": "power_delay",

             "default": "0", "help": "Laser power-on delay (ms},"},

            {"name": "--suppress-all-messages", "type": inkex.Boolean,

             "dest": "suppress_all_messages", "default": True,

             "help": "Hide messages during g-code generation"},

            {"name": "--create-log", "type": bool, "dest": "log_create_log",

             "default": False, "help": "Create log files"},

            {"name": "--log-filename", "type": str, "dest": "log_filename",

             "default": '', "help": "Create log files"},

            {"name": "--engraving-draw-calculation-paths", "type": inkex.Boolean,

             "dest": "engraving_draw_calculation_paths", "default": False,

             "help": "Draw additional graphics to debug engraving path"},

            {"name": "--unit", "type": str, "dest": "unit",

             "default": "G21 (All units in mm},", "help": "Units either mm or inches"},

            {"name": "--active-tab", "type": str, "dest": "active_tab", "default": "",

             "help": "Defines which tab is active"},

            {"name": "--biarc-max-split-depth", "type": int,

             "dest": "biarc_max_split_depth", "default": "4",

             "help": "Defines maximum depth of splitting while approximating using biarcs."}


        if target_version < 1.0:




        # Another hack to maintain support across different Inkscape versions

        if target_version < 1.0:

            self.selected_hack = self.selected


            self.selected_hack = self.svg.selected

    def parse_curve(self, p, layer, w=None, f=None):

        c = []

        if len(p) == 0:

            return []

        p = self.transform_csp(p, layer)

        # Sort to reduce Rapid distance

        k = list(range(1, len(p)))

        keys = [0]

        while len(k) > 0:

            end = p[keys[-1]][-1][1]

            dist = (float('-inf'), float('-inf'))

            for i in range(len(k)):

                start = p[k[i]][0][1]

                dist = max((-((end[0] - start[0]) ** 2 + (end[1] - start[1]) ** 2), i), dist)

            keys += [k[dist[1]]]

            del k[dist[1]]

        for k in keys:

            subpath = p[k]

            c += [[[subpath[0][1][0], subpath[0][1][1]], 'move', 0, 0]]

            for i in range(1, len(subpath)):

                sp1 = [[subpath[i - 1][j][0], subpath[i - 1][j][1]] for j in range(3)]

                sp2 = [[subpath[i][j][0], subpath[i][j][1]] for j in range(3)]

                c += biarc(sp1, sp2, 0, 0) if w == None else biarc(sp1, sp2, -f(w[k][i - 1]), -f(w[k][i]))

            #                    l1 = biarc(sp1,sp2,0,0) if w==None else biarc(sp1,sp2,-f(w[k][i-1]),-f(w[k][i]))

            #                    print_((-f(w[k][i-1]),-f(w[k][i]), [i1[5] for i1 in l1]) )

            c += [[[subpath[-1][1][0], subpath[-1][1][1]], 'end', 0, 0]]

            print_("Curve: " + str(c))

        return c

    def draw_curve(self, curve, layer, group=None, style=styles["biarc_style"]):


        # Add marker to defs if it does not exist

        if "DrawCurveMarker" not in self.defs:

            defs = etree.SubElement(self.document.getroot(), inkex.addNS("defs", "svg"))

            marker = etree.SubElement(defs, inkex.addNS("marker", "svg"),

                                            {"id": "DrawCurveMarker", "orient": "auto", "refX": "-8",

                                             "refY": "-2.41063", "style": "overflow:visible"})

            etree.SubElement(marker, inkex.addNS("path", "svg"),


                                       "d": "m -6.55552,-2.41063 0,0 L -13.11104,0 c 1.0473,-1.42323 1.04126,-3.37047 0,-4.82126",

                                       "style": "fill:#000044; fill-rule:evenodd;stroke-width:0.62500000;stroke-linejoin:round;"}


        if "DrawCurveMarker_r" not in self.defs:

            defs = etree.SubElement(self.document.getroot(), inkex.addNS("defs", "svg"))

            marker = etree.SubElement(defs, inkex.addNS("marker", "svg"),

                                            {"id": "DrawCurveMarker_r", "orient": "auto", "refX": "8",

                                             "refY": "-2.41063", "style": "overflow:visible"})

            etree.SubElement(marker, inkex.addNS("path", "svg"),


                                       "d": "m 6.55552,-2.41063 0,0 L 13.11104,0 c -1.0473,-1.42323 -1.04126,-3.37047 0,-4.82126",

                                       "style": "fill:#000044; fill-rule:evenodd;stroke-width:0.62500000;stroke-linejoin:round;"}


        for i in [0, 1]:

            style['biarc%s_r' % i] = simplestyle.parseStyle(style['biarc%s' % i])

            style['biarc%s_r' % i]["marker-start"] = "url(#DrawCurveMarker_r)"

            del (style['biarc%s_r' % i]["marker-end"])

            style['biarc%s_r' % i] = simplestyle.formatStyle(style['biarc%s_r' % i])

        if group is None:

            group = etree.SubElement(self.layers[min(1, len(self.layers) - 1)], inkex.addNS('g', 'svg'),

                                           {"gcodetools": "Preview group"})

        s, arcn = '', 0

        a, b, c = [0., 0.], [1., 0.], [0., 1.]

        k = (b[0] - a[0]) * (c[1] - a[1]) - (c[0] - a[0]) * (b[1] - a[1])

        a, b, c = self.transform(a, layer, True), self.transform(b, layer, True), self.transform(c, layer, True)

        if ((b[0] - a[0]) * (c[1] - a[1]) - (c[0] - a[0]) * (b[1] - a[1])) * k > 0:

            reverse_angle = 1


            reverse_angle = -1

        for sk in curve:

            si = sk[:]

            si[0], si[2] = self.transform(si[0], layer, True), (

                self.transform(si[2], layer, True) if type(si[2]) == type([]) and len(si[2]) == 2 else si[2])

            if s != '':

                if s[1] == 'line':

                    etree.SubElement(group, inkex.addNS('path', 'svg'),


                                               'style': style['line'],

                                               'd': 'M %s,%s L %s,%s' % (s[0][0], s[0][1], si[0][0], si[0][1]),

                                               "gcodetools": "Preview",



                elif s[1] == 'arc':

                    arcn += 1

                    sp = s[0]

                    c = s[2]

                    s[3] = s[3] * reverse_angle

                    a = ((P(si[0]) - P(c)).angle() - (P(s[0]) - P(c)).angle()) % math.pi2  # s[3]

                    if s[3] * a < 0:

                        if a > 0:

                            a = a - math.pi2


                            a = math.pi2 + a

                    r = math.sqrt((sp[0] - c[0]) ** 2 + (sp[1] - c[1]) ** 2)

                    a_st = (math.atan2(sp[0] - c[0], - (sp[1] - c[1])) - math.pi / 2) % (math.pi * 2)

                    st = style['biarc%s' % (arcn % 2)][:]

                    if a > 0:

                        a_end = a_st + a

                        st = style['biarc%s' % (arcn % 2)]


                        a_end = a_st * 1

                        a_st = a_st + a

                        st = style['biarc%s_r' % (arcn % 2)]

                    etree.SubElement(group, inkex.addNS('path', 'svg'),


                                               'style': st,

                                               inkex.addNS('cx', 'sodipodi'): str(c[0]),

                                               inkex.addNS('cy', 'sodipodi'): str(c[1]),

                                               inkex.addNS('rx', 'sodipodi'): str(r),

                                               inkex.addNS('ry', 'sodipodi'): str(r),

                                               inkex.addNS('start', 'sodipodi'): str(a_st),

                                               inkex.addNS('end', 'sodipodi'): str(a_end),

                                               inkex.addNS('open', 'sodipodi'): 'true',

                                               inkex.addNS('type', 'sodipodi'): 'arc',

                                               "gcodetools": "Preview",


            s = si

    def check_dir(self):

        if self.options.directory[-1] not in ["/", "\\"]:

            if "\\" in self.options.directory:

                self.options.directory += "\\"


                self.options.directory += "/"

        print_("Checking direcrory: '%s'" % self.options.directory)

        if (os.path.isdir(self.options.directory)):

            if (os.path.isfile(self.options.directory + 'header')):

                f = open(self.options.directory + 'header', 'r')

                self.header = f.read()



                self.header = defaults['header']

            if (os.path.isfile(self.options.directory + 'footer')):

                f = open(self.options.directory + 'footer', 'r')

                self.footer = f.read()



                self.footer = defaults['footer']

            if self.options.unit == "G21 (All units in mm)":

                self.header += "G21\n"

            elif self.options.unit == "G20 (All units in inches)":

                self.header += "G20\n"


            self.error(_("Directory does not exist! Please specify existing directory at options tab!"), "error")

            return False

        if self.options.add_numeric_suffix_to_filename:

            dir_list = os.listdir(self.options.directory)

            if "." in self.options.file:

                r = re.match(r"^(.*)(\..*)$", self.options.file)

                ext = r.group(2)

                name = r.group(1)


                ext = ""

                name = self.options.file

            max_n = 0

            for s in dir_list:

                r = re.match(r"^%s_0*(\d+)%s$" % (re.escape(name), re.escape(ext)), s)

                if r:

                    max_n = max(max_n, int(r.group(1)))

            filename = name + "_" + ("0" * (4 - len(str(max_n + 1))) + str(max_n + 1)) + ext

            self.options.file = filename

        print_("Testing writing rights on '%s'" % (self.options.directory + self.options.file))


            f = open(self.options.directory + self.options.file, "w")



            self.error(_("Can not write to specified file!\n%s" % (self.options.directory + self.options.file)),


            return False

        return True



    #       Generate Gcode


    #       Curve definition

    #       [start point, type = {'arc','line','move','end'}, arc center, arc angle, end point, [zstart, zend]]



    def generate_gcode(self, curve, layer, depth):

        tool = self.tools

        print_("Tool in g-code generator: " + str(tool))

        def c(c):

            c = [c[i] if i < len(c) else None for i in range(6)]

            if c[5] == 0: c[5] = None

            s = [" X", " Y", " Z", " I", " J", " K"]

            r = ''

            for i in range(6):

                if c[i] != None:

                    r += s[i] + ("%f" % (round(c[i], 4))).rstrip('0')

            return r

        if len(curve) == 0: return ""


            self.last_used_tool == None


            self.last_used_tool = None

        print_("working on curve")

        print_("Curve: " + str(curve))

        g = ""

        lg, f = 'G00', "F%f" % tool['penetration feed']

        penetration_feed = "F%s" % tool['penetration feed']

        current_a = 0

        for i in range(1, len(curve)):

            #    Creating Gcode for curve between s=curve[i-1] and si=curve[i] start at s[0] end at s[4]=si[0]

            s, si = curve[i - 1], curve[i]

            feed = f if lg not in ['G01', 'G02', 'G03'] else ''

            if s[1] == 'move':

                g += "G1 " + c(si[0]) + "\n" + tool['gcode before path'] + "\n"

                lg = 'G00'

            elif s[1] == 'end':

                g += tool['gcode after path'] + "\n"

                lg = 'G00'

            elif s[1] == 'line':

                if lg == "G00": g += "G1 " + feed + "\n"

                g += "G1 " + c(si[0]) + "\n"

                lg = 'G01'

            elif s[1] == 'arc':

                r = [(s[2][0] - s[0][0]), (s[2][1] - s[0][1])]

                if lg == "G00": g += "G1 " + feed + "\n"

                if (r[0] ** 2 + r[1] ** 2) > .1:

                    r1, r2 = (P(s[0]) - P(s[2])), (P(si[0]) - P(s[2]))

                    if abs(r1.mag() - r2.mag()) < 0.001:

                        g += ("G2" if s[3] < 0 else "G3") + c(

                            si[0] + [None, (s[2][0] - s[0][0]), (s[2][1] - s[0][1])]) + "\n"


                        r = (r1.mag() + r2.mag()) / 2

                        g += ("G2" if s[3] < 0 else "G3") + c(si[0]) + " R%f" % (r) + "\n"

                    lg = 'G02'


                    g += "G1 " + c(si[0]) + " " + feed + "\n"

                    lg = 'G01'

        if si[1] == 'end':

            g += tool['gcode after path'] + "\n"

        return g

    def get_transforms(self, g):

        root = self.document.getroot()

        trans = []

        while (g != root):

            if 'transform' in list(g.keys()):

                t = g.get('transform')

                t = simpletransform.parseTransform(t)

                trans = simpletransform.composeTransform(t, trans) if trans != [] else t


            g = g.getparent()

        return trans

    def apply_transforms(self, g, csp):

        trans = self.get_transforms(g)

        if trans != []:

            simpletransform.applyTransformToPath(trans, csp)

        return csp

    def transform(self, source_point, layer, reverse=False):

        if layer == None:

            layer = self.current_layer if self.current_layer is not None else self.document.getroot()

        if layer not in self.transform_matrix:

            for i in range(self.layers.index(layer), -1, -1):

                if self.layers[i] in self.orientation_points:



            print_(str("I: " + str(i)))

            print_("Transform: " + str(self.layers[i]))

            if self.layers[i] not in self.orientation_points:


                    "Orientation points for '%s' layer have not been found! Please add orientation points using Orientation tab!") % layer.get(

                    inkex.addNS('label', 'inkscape')), "no_orientation_points")

            elif self.layers[i] in self.transform_matrix:

                self.transform_matrix[layer] = self.transform_matrix[self.layers[i]]


                orientation_layer = self.layers[i]

                if len(self.orientation_points[orientation_layer]) > 1:


                        _("There are more than one orientation point groups in '%s' layer") % orientation_layer.get(

                            inkex.addNS('label', 'inkscape')), "more_than_one_orientation_point_groups")

                points = self.orientation_points[orientation_layer][0]

                if len(points) == 2:

                    points += [[[(points[1][0][1] - points[0][0][1]) + points[0][0][0],

                                 -(points[1][0][0] - points[0][0][0]) + points[0][0][1]],

                                [-(points[1][1][1] - points[0][1][1]) + points[0][1][0],

                                 points[1][1][0] - points[0][1][0] + points[0][1][1]]]]

                if len(points) == 3:

                    print_("Layer '%s' Orientation points: " % orientation_layer.get(inkex.addNS('label', 'inkscape')))

                    for point in points:


                    #    Zcoordinates definition taken from Orientatnion point 1 and 2

                    self.Zcoordinates[layer] = [max(points[0][1][2], points[1][1][2]),

                                                min(points[0][1][2], points[1][1][2])]

                    matrix = numpy.array([

                        [points[0][0][0], points[0][0][1], 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],

                        [0, 0, 0, points[0][0][0], points[0][0][1], 1, 0, 0, 0],

                        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, points[0][0][0], points[0][0][1], 1],

                        [points[1][0][0], points[1][0][1], 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],

                        [0, 0, 0, points[1][0][0], points[1][0][1], 1, 0, 0, 0],

                        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, points[1][0][0], points[1][0][1], 1],

                        [points[2][0][0], points[2][0][1], 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],

                        [0, 0, 0, points[2][0][0], points[2][0][1], 1, 0, 0, 0],

                        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, points[2][0][0], points[2][0][1], 1]


                    if numpy.linalg.det(matrix) != 0:

                        m = numpy.linalg.solve(matrix,


                                                   [[points[0][1][0]], [points[0][1][1]], [1], [points[1][1][0]],

                                                    [points[1][1][1]], [1], [points[2][1][0]], [points[2][1][1]], [1]]



                        self.transform_matrix[layer] = [[m[j * 3 + i][0] for i in range(3)] for j in range(3)]



                            "Orientation points are wrong! (if there are two orientation points they sould not be the same. If there are three orientation points they should not be in a straight line.)"),




                        "Orientation points are wrong! (if there are two orientation points they sould not be the same. If there are three orientation points they should not be in a straight line.)"),


            self.transform_matrix_reverse[layer] = numpy.linalg.inv(self.transform_matrix[layer]).tolist()

            print_("\n Layer '%s' transformation matrixes:" % layer.get(inkex.addNS('label', 'inkscape')))



            # Zautoscale is absolute

            self.Zauto_scale[layer] = 1

            print_("Z automatic scale = %s (computed according orientation points)" % self.Zauto_scale[layer])

        x, y = source_point[0], source_point[1]

        if not reverse:

            t = self.transform_matrix[layer]


            t = self.transform_matrix_reverse[layer]

        return [t[0][0] * x + t[0][1] * y + t[0][2], t[1][0] * x + t[1][1] * y + t[1][2]]

    def transform_csp(self, csp_, layer, reverse=False):

        csp = [[[csp_[i][j][0][:], csp_[i][j][1][:], csp_[i][j][2][:]] for j in range(len(csp_[i]))] for i in


        for i in range(len(csp)):

            for j in range(len(csp[i])):

                for k in range(len(csp[i][j])):

                    csp[i][j][k] = self.transform(csp[i][j][k], layer, reverse)

        return csp


    #        Errors handling function, notes are just printed into Logfile,

    #        warnings are printed into log file and warning message is displayed but

    #        extension continues working, errors causes log and execution is halted

    #        Notes, warnings adn errors could be assigned to space or comma or dot

    #        sepparated strings (case is ignoreg).


    def error(self, s, type_="Warning"):

        notes = "Note "

        warnings = """

                        Warning tools_warning











        errors = """








        if type_.lower() in re.split("[\s\n,\.]+", errors.lower()):


            inkex.errormsg(s + "\n")


        elif type_.lower() in re.split("[\s\n,\.]+", warnings.lower()):


            if not self.options.suppress_all_messages:

                inkex.errormsg(s + "\n")

        elif type_.lower() in re.split("[\s\n,\.]+", notes.lower()):







    #        Get defs from svg


    def get_defs(self):

        self.defs = {}

        def recursive(g):

            for i in g:

                if i.tag == inkex.addNS("defs", "svg"):

                    for j in i:

                        self.defs[j.get("id")] = i

                if i.tag == inkex.addNS("g", 'svg'):





    #        Get Gcodetools info from the svg



    def get_info(self):

        self.selected_paths = {}

        self.paths = {}

        self.orientation_points = {}

        self.layers = [self.document.getroot()]

        self.Zcoordinates = {}

        self.transform_matrix = {}

        self.transform_matrix_reverse = {}

        self.Zauto_scale = {}

        def recursive_search(g, layer, selected=False):

            items = g.getchildren()


            for i in items:

                if selected:

                    self.selected_hack[i.get("id")] = i

                if i.tag == inkex.addNS("g", 'svg') and i.get(inkex.addNS('groupmode', 'inkscape')) == 'layer':

                    self.layers += [i]

                    recursive_search(i, i)

                elif i.get('gcodetools') == "Gcodetools orientation group":

                    points = self.get_orientation_points(i)

                    if points != None:

                        self.orientation_points[layer] = self.orientation_points[layer] + [

                            points[:]] if layer in self.orientation_points else [points[:]]

                        print_("Found orientation points in '%s' layer: %s" % (

                            layer.get(inkex.addNS('label', 'inkscape')), points))



                            "Warning! Found bad orientation points in '%s' layer. Resulting Gcode could be corrupt!") % layer.get(

                            inkex.addNS('label', 'inkscape')), "bad_orientation_points_in_some_layers")

                elif i.tag == inkex.addNS('path', 'svg'):

                    if "gcodetools" not in list(i.keys()):

                        self.paths[layer] = self.paths[layer] + [i] if layer in self.paths else [i]

                        if i.get("id") in self.selected_hack:

                            self.selected_paths[layer] = self.selected_paths[layer] + [

                                i] if layer in self.selected_paths else [i]

                elif i.tag == inkex.addNS("g", 'svg'):

                    recursive_search(i, layer, (i.get("id") in self.selected_hack))

                elif i.get("id") in self.selected_hack:


                        "This extension works with Paths and Dynamic Offsets and groups of them only! All other objects will be ignored!\nSolution 1: press Path->Object to path or Shift+Ctrl+C.\nSolution 2: Path->Dynamic offset or Ctrl+J.\nSolution 3: export all contours to PostScript level 2 (File->Save As->.ps) and File->Import this file."),


        recursive_search(self.document.getroot(), self.document.getroot())

    def get_orientation_points(self, g):

        items = g.getchildren()


        p2, p3 = [], []

        p = None

        for i in items:

            if i.tag == inkex.addNS("g", 'svg') and i.get("gcodetools") == "Gcodetools orientation point (2 points)":

                p2 += [i]

            if i.tag == inkex.addNS("g", 'svg') and i.get("gcodetools") == "Gcodetools orientation point (3 points)":

                p3 += [i]

        if len(p2) == 2:

            p = p2

        elif len(p3) == 3:

            p = p3

        if p == None: return None

        points = []

        for i in p:

            point = [[], []]

            for node in i:

                if node.get('gcodetools') == "Gcodetools orientation point arrow":

                    point[0] = self.apply_transforms(node, parsePath(node.get("d")))[0][0][1]

                if node.get('gcodetools') == "Gcodetools orientation point text":

                    r = re.match(



                    point[1] = [float(r.group(1)), float(r.group(2)), float(r.group(3))]

            if point[0] != [] and point[1] != []:    points += [point]

        if len(points) == len(p2) == 2 or len(points) == len(p3) == 3:

            return points


            return None



    #        dxfpoints



    def dxfpoints(self):

        if self.selected_paths == {}:


                "Noting is selected. Please select something to convert to drill point (dxfpoint) or clear point sign."),


        for layer in self.layers:

            if layer in self.selected_paths:

                for path in self.selected_paths[layer]:

                    if self.options.dxfpoints_action == 'replace':

                        path.set("dxfpoint", "1")

                        r = re.match("^\s*.\s*(\S+)", path.get("d"))

                        if r != None:

                            print_(("got path=", r.group(1)))


                                     "m %s 2.9375,-6.343750000001 0.8125,1.90625 6.843748640396,-6.84374864039 0,0 0.6875,0.6875 -6.84375,6.84375 1.90625,0.812500000001 z" % r.group(


                            path.set("style", styles["dxf_points"])

                    if self.options.dxfpoints_action == 'save':

                        path.set("dxfpoint", "1")

                    if self.options.dxfpoints_action == 'clear' and path.get("dxfpoint") == "1":

                        path.set("dxfpoint", "0")



    #        Laser



    def laser(self):

        def get_boundaries(points):

            minx, miny, maxx, maxy = None, None, None, None

            out = [[], [], [], []]

            for p in points:

                if minx == p[0]:

                    out[0] += [p]

                if minx == None or p[0] < minx:

                    minx = p[0]

                    out[0] = [p]

                if miny == p[1]:

                    out[1] += [p]

                if miny == None or p[1] < miny:

                    miny = p[1]

                    out[1] = [p]

                if maxx == p[0]:

                    out[2] += [p]

                if maxx == None or p[0] > maxx:

                    maxx = p[0]

                    out[2] = [p]

                if maxy == p[1]:

                    out[3] += [p]

                if maxy == None or p[1] > maxy:

                    maxy = p[1]

                    out[3] = [p]

            return out

        def remove_duplicates(points):

            i = 0

            out = []

            for p in points:

                for j in range(i, len(points)):

                    if p == points[j]: points[j] = [None, None]

                if p != [None, None]: out += [p]

            i += 1

            return (out)

        def get_way_len(points):

            l = 0

            for i in range(1, len(points)):

                l += math.sqrt((points[i][0] - points[i - 1][0]) ** 2 + (points[i][1] - points[i - 1][1]) ** 2)

            return l

        def sort_dxfpoints(points):

            points = remove_duplicates(points)

            ways = [

                # l=0, d=1, r=2, u=3

                [3, 0],  # ul

                [3, 2],  # ur

                [1, 0],  # dl

                [1, 2],  # dr

                [0, 3],  # lu

                [0, 1],  # ld

                [2, 3],  # ru

                [2, 1],  # rd


            minimal_way = []

            minimal_len = None

            minimal_way_type = None

            for w in ways:

                tpoints = points[:]

                cw = []

                for j in range(0, len(points)):

                    p = get_boundaries(get_boundaries(tpoints)[w[0]])[w[1]]


                    cw += p

                curlen = get_way_len(cw)

                if minimal_len == None or curlen < minimal_len:

                    minimal_len = curlen

                    minimal_way = cw

                    minimal_way_type = w

            return minimal_way

        if self.selected_paths == {}:

            paths = self.paths

            self.error(_("No paths are selected! Trying to work on all available paths."), "warning")


            paths = self.selected_paths


        gcode = ""

        biarc_group = etree.SubElement(

            list(self.selected_paths.keys())[0] if len(list(self.selected_paths.keys())) > 0 else self.layers[0],

            inkex.addNS('g', 'svg'))

        print_(("self.layers=", self.layers))

        print_(("paths=", paths))

        for layer in self.layers:

            if layer in paths:

                print_(("layer", layer))

                p = []

                dxfpoints = []

                for path in paths[layer]:


                    if "d" not in list(path.keys()):


                            "Warning: One or more paths dont have 'd' parameter, try to Ungroup (Ctrl+Shift+G) and Object to Path (Ctrl+Shift+C)!"),



                    csp = parsePath(path.get("d"))

                    csp = self.apply_transforms(path, csp)

                    if path.get("dxfpoint") == "1":

                        tmp_curve = self.transform_csp(csp, layer)

                        x = tmp_curve[0][0][0][0]

                        y = tmp_curve[0][0][0][1]

                        print_("got dxfpoint (scaled) at (%f,%f)" % (x, y))

                        dxfpoints += [[x, y]]


                        p += csp

                dxfpoints = sort_dxfpoints(dxfpoints)

                curve = self.parse_curve(p, layer)

                self.draw_curve(curve, layer, biarc_group)

                gcode += self.generate_gcode(curve, layer, 0)




    #        Orientation



    def orientation(self, layer=None):

        print_("entering orientations")

        if layer == None:

            layer = self.current_layer if self.current_layer is not None else self.document.getroot()

        if layer in self.orientation_points:

            self.error(_("Active layer already has orientation points! Remove them or select another layer!"),


        orientation_group = etree.SubElement(layer, inkex.addNS('g', 'svg'),

                                                   {"gcodetools": "Gcodetools orientation group"})

        # translate == ['0', '-917.7043']

        if layer.get("transform") != None:

            translate = layer.get("transform").replace("translate(", "").replace(")", "").split(",")


            translate = [0, 0]

        # doc height in pixels (38 mm == 143.62204724px)

        doc_height = self.svg.unittouu(self.document.getroot().xpath('@height', namespaces=inkex.NSS)[0])

        if self.document.getroot().get('height') == "100%":

            doc_height = 1052.3622047

            print_("Overriding height from 100 percents to %s" % doc_height)

        print_("Document height: " + str(doc_height));

        if self.options.unit == "G21 (All units in mm)":

            points = [[0., 0., 0.], [100., 0., 0.], [0., 100., 0.]]

            orientation_scale = 1

            print_("orientation_scale < 0 ===> switching to mm units=%0.10f" % orientation_scale)

        elif self.options.unit == "G20 (All units in inches)":

            points = [[0., 0., 0.], [5., 0., 0.], [0., 5., 0.]]

            orientation_scale = 90

            print_("orientation_scale < 0 ===> switching to inches units=%0.10f" % orientation_scale)

        points = points[:2]

        print_(("using orientation scale", orientation_scale, "i=", points))

        for i in points:

            # X == Correct!

            # si == x,y coordinate in px

            # si have correct coordinates

            # if layer have any transform it will be in translate so lets add that

            si = [i[0] * orientation_scale, (i[1] * orientation_scale) + float(translate[1])]

            g = etree.SubElement(orientation_group, inkex.addNS('g', 'svg'),

                                       {'gcodetools': "Gcodetools orientation point (2 points)"})

            etree.SubElement(g, inkex.addNS('path', 'svg'),


                                       'style': "stroke:none;fill:#000000;",

                                       'd': 'm %s,%s 2.9375,-6.343750000001 0.8125,1.90625 6.843748640396,-6.84374864039 0,0 0.6875,0.6875 -6.84375,6.84375 1.90625,0.812500000001 z z' % (

                                           si[0], -si[1] + doc_height),

                                       'gcodetools': "Gcodetools orientation point arrow"


            t = etree.SubElement(g, inkex.addNS('text', 'svg'),


                                           'style': "font-size:10px;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:normal;font-stretch:normal;fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;",

                                           inkex.addNS("space", "xml"): "preserve",

                                           'x': str(si[0] + 10),

                                           'y': str(-si[1] - 10 + doc_height),

                                           'gcodetools': "Gcodetools orientation point text"


            t.text = "(%s; %s; %s)" % (i[0], i[1], i[2])



    #        Effect


    #        Main function of Gcodetools class



    def effect(self):

        global options

        options = self.options

        options.self = self

        options.doc_root = self.document.getroot()

        # define print_ function

        global print_

        if self.options.log_create_log:


                if os.path.isfile(self.options.log_filename): os.remove(self.options.log_filename)

                f = open(self.options.log_filename, "a")

                f.write("Gcodetools log file.\nStarted at %s.\n%s\n" % (

                    time.strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S"), options.log_filename))

                f.write("%s tab is active.\n" % self.options.active_tab)



                print_ = lambda *x: None


            print_ = lambda *x: None


        if self.orientation_points == {}:


                "Orientation points have not been defined! A default set of orientation points has been automatically added."),


            self.orientation(self.layers[min(0, len(self.layers) - 1)])


        self.tools = {

            "name": "Laser Engraver",

            "id": "Laser Engraver",

            "penetration feed": self.options.laser_speed,

            "feed": self.options.laser_speed,

            "gcode before path": ("G4 P0 \n" + self.options.laser_command + " S" + str(

                int(self.options.laser_power)) + "\nG4 P" + self.options.power_delay),

            "gcode after path": (

                    "G4 P0 \n" + self.options.laser_off_command + " S0" + "\n" + "G1 F" + self.options.travel_speed),




e = LaserGcode()

if target_version < 1.0:


