2022년 6월 7일 화요일

Button Input

#include "button.h"

Button btn1;

#define LED_BUILTIN 5

//const int BUTTON_PIN = 12;

byte buttonState;

byte lastButtonState = LOW;

int ledState = LOW;

int ledStatecopy = LOW;

unsigned long previousMillis1 = 0;

const long interval1 = 500;

unsigned long previousMillis2 = 0;

const long interval2 = 100;

int i = 0;

void setup() {


  pinMode(4, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(15, OUTPUT);



void loop() {

  unsigned long currentMillis1 = millis();

  unsigned long currentMillis2 = millis();

  // check to see if you just pressed the button

  // (i.e. the input went from LOW to HIGH), and you've waited long enough

  // since the last press to ignore any noise:

  if (btn1.debounce()) 




  if (currentMillis1 - previousMillis1 >= interval1) {

    previousMillis1 = currentMillis1;

    if (ledState == LOW) {

      ledState = HIGH;  // Note that this switches the LED *off*

    } else {

      ledState = LOW;  // Note that this switches the LED *on*


    if(ledState == HIGH)


      analogWrite(LED_BUILTIN, 45);




      analogWrite(LED_BUILTIN, 0);




  if (i >= 4)


       i = 0;


  if (currentMillis2 - previousMillis2 >= interval2) {

    previousMillis2 = currentMillis2;



      case 0:

          analogWrite(4, 0); // analogRead 값은 0부터 1023까지, analogWrite 값은 0 부터 255까지

          analogWrite(15, 0); // analogRead 값은 0부터 1023까지, analogWrite 값은 0 부터 255까지


      case 1:

          analogWrite(4, 15); // analogRead 값은 0부터 1023까지, analogWrite 값은 0 부터 255까지 // 50 

          analogWrite(15, 50); // analogRead 값은 0부터 1023까지, analogWrite 값은 0 부터 255까지


      case 2:

          analogWrite(4, 35); // analogRead 값은 0부터 1023까지, analogWrite 값은 0 부터 255까지 // 150

          analogWrite(15, 150); // analogRead 값은 0부터 1023까지, analogWrite 값은 0 부터 255까지


      case 3:

          analogWrite(4, 120); // analogRead 값은 0부터 1023까지, analogWrite 값은 0 부터 255까지 // 245

          analogWrite(15, 245); // analogRead 값은 0부터 1023까지, analogWrite 값은 0 부터 255까지







Button.h ===================================================

#ifndef button_h

#define button_h

#include "Arduino.h"

class Button



    uint8_t btn;

    uint16_t state;


    void begin(uint8_t button) {

      btn = button;

      state = 0;

      pinMode(btn, INPUT_PULLUP);


    bool debounce() {

      state = (state<<1) | digitalRead(btn) | 0xfe00;

      return (state == 0xff00);




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